Thursday, April 7, 2022

Week 3

This one will be mostly pictures.  Darrell has been in some beautiful country which only the 1% has viewed with their own eyes.

Another big milestone!

He encountered snow in the San Jacinto Mountain range and had to wear his spikes.

A few people traveled this path before him.

And also a few animals.

I met up with him in Banning.  He had had a rough couple of days traveling through snow and hiking through, around, and over trees that had fallen on the path.  This was caused by fire that had previously gone through in the recent past that were easily blow over by the high winds.  This really slows down the hikers and wears them out.  He had actually been hiking alone through these rough patches, and I think this was discouraging, also.   I booked him a hotel room where he was able to take a shower, wash his socks and underwear in the bathtub and dry them with the hotel's blow dryer, and get a comfortable night's sleep in a real bed.  He restocked his food supply for the trail.  He had Ubered into the town with a couple of other hikers and they showered in our hotel room and went back on the trail before I got there. He also ate at In N Out in town and Jersey Mikes.  We mention his food often because those real meals are divine treats.    The next morning, I took him back to the trail.  The wind was blowing so hard that I could hear it rushing past.

Dropping him off on the trail (under the freeway) where Trail Angels had left water and snacks for the hikers passing through.  I gave a hiker a ride into town on my way back.  He, too, was needing a rest at this juncture.  I was glad I could help out as so many have helped Darrell along the way.

Friends make the journey fun.  This is a couple from Perth, Australia.

Here's a family hiking the trail, also.  Their son's trail name is  WaterBoy as well.

Last night he spent the night at a hostel in Big Bear.  Of course, he raved about Kenny (the host) and the breakfast he provided:  potatoes, peppers, sausage, eggs, French toast.  If I know Darrell, which I do, I'm sure he ate everything and then went back for more.  He then drove them back to the trail head. This guy Kenny does this for hikers every day during hiking season. 
His next meetup will be with Mitch and Tracy Rivas at El Cajon pass in about five days (if he hikes 15 miles a day).

I guess I'll let the following pictures speak for themselves and to the Glory of God's creation:

That is not the ocean below, but the clouds he is walking above.

A view ahead

He sent this to me with the reminder to always look to God for the answer.

The scenery is a beautiful distraction from the constant footsteps.

And then the obligatory flora photos.

And, I can't close without posting his Team World Vision page for donating to clean water.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tami for sharing the journey you and Darrell are on! Great job getting the word out!


Week 22

Darrell is well into Washington now.  He has left the hot weather behind and is now hiking in comfortable conditions.  It is starting to get...